How often can life’s circumstances take our eyes off God’s Faithfulness and cause us to wallow in anxiety, worry and even fear of the future.
As I dwell on the scripture below, I am reminded: God is great, His Love is everlasting, and His Faithfulness fails me not.
He continues to be with me. He continues to make my path straight. He continues to show me His goodness.
He earnestly commands me to and for my own good:
DO NOT fear; DO NOT dismay
And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you.
He will be with you; He will not leave you nor forsake you;
do not fear nor be dismayed.”
(Deuteronomy 31:8)
Our human nature we will fail us, people (others) will fail us, God will not.
His faithfulness is an intrinsic part of His being.
If we are faithless, He remains faithful [true to His word and His righteous character], for He cannot deny Himself.
(2 Timothy 2:13)
Faithful –
Define: remaining loyal and steadfast; firm in adherence to promises; true to one’s work, promises, vows:
Many times, I have experienced your faithfulness God. Remind me once again of your promises, your promises to go before me, to be with me, to not leave me or fail me. I pray my heart will trust in your unwavering faithfulness. I pray my heart will abundantly rejoice with great gratitude that you are faithful and will always remain faithful, that is who you are and I delight in it. Amen (so be it)